Join Lúa Ribeira at Magnum’s London Gallery on April 13 as she presents her new book, Subida al Cielo. This will be one of the first opportunities to see this publication in the UK.
The talk will be followed by a book signing, and includes the opportunity to purchase a signed Square Print by Lúa Ribeira from the upcoming Magnum Square Print Sale.
Subida al cielo features five bodies of work made between 2016 and 2020: Subida al cielo, Las visiones, Aristócratas, La Jungla and Los afortunados [Ascent into Heaven, The Visions, Aristocrats, The Jungle and The Fortunate Ones].
In these five series, Ribeira approaches topics with a historical relation to documentary photography and representation, often within the context of institutionally constructed or held groups, or spontaneous anti-structures that emerge on the margins of society. Los afortunados takes place in Melilla alongside a group of young people in their journey to reach Europe from Morocco. In Galicia, Ribeira’s homeland, Aristócratas is made in collaboration with a religious institution that cares for a community of women with cognitive disabilities. Las visiones, made during a Semana Santa celebration, deals directly with Spain’s ancestral and cultural religiosity.
Read an interview with Lúa Ribeira here.