
Join Magnum photographer Yael Martínez on a 6-day immersive workshop in the Sacred Valley of Cusco in which participants will explore a variety of approximations to storytelling, both through photography and other visual languages.

Participants of the workshop will spend the week in the Sacred Valley of Cusco under the guidance of Yael Martínez and the team at Maleza, during which they will be guided through the process of creating a photographic series which captures the essence of local culture through alternative forms of storytelling, all the while taking into account important issues surrounding ethics and representation.

The workshop will coincide with the Day of the Dead which brings together thousands of people in cemeteries from across the region during which they pay their respects and remember their deceased loved ones through spiritual practices, music and typical andean traditions. Participants will be encouraged to attend the celebrations to put the tools and methods learnt throughout the week into practice.

With the help of Yael Martínez, known for telling critical stories with unconventional approaches, the participants will develop new work in this challenging context, while questioning the very means through which they approach it – becoming familiar with issues surrounding:

  • Representation
  • Impact
  • Collaboration
  • Approach

By the end of the workshop, participants should…

  • Have a thoroughly planned and critically informed self directed body of photographic work
  • Be able to demonstrate creative, visual, intellectual and technical abilities
  • Have deeper understanding of the history of documentary photography, especially in the context of Peru
  • Critically analyze photography within both historical and theoretical frameworks;
  • Engage in informed, critical self-reflection and the ability to critique peers
  • Demonstrate an understanding of editing photographs for different outputs
  • Develop an understanding of the variety of ways in which photography can function as a means of personal expression and as a documentary record

For enquiries relating to this project please email

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