
Are you about to embark on a personal photographic project and would like to review your ideas and approach with an expert? Do you have a long term project that you need help editing and sequencing? Are you a mid-career photographer struggling to figure out your photographic vision or where you are going next with your career?

This online portfolio review will help photographers identify their next step — from finding your photographic voice, to the process of discovering and making a long-term project that you’re passionate about, to practical advice on getting your work seen by the right people.

Each Magnum photographer will see 10 photographers only during this two-day event. Places will be allocated based on your application. Applications are free. The deadline for applications is April 8th. The price of the online portfolio review is $350 (incl. tax) to be paid on acceptance of the application. The offer includes a “Preparing for a Portfolio Review” presentation, a 60 minutes one-to-one online portfolio review. We will do our best to accommodate your timezone and schedule.

This 60-minute online portfolio review offers:

  • Guidance on technical, ethical, theoretical and aesthetic issues
  • Ideas Development
  • Editing and Sequencing
  • Workflow
  • Output and presentation
  • Professional Practice
  • Online Networking


Often the end result dictates how a project is pursued. If you're interested in working with both still and moving images to expand your storytelling, ​​my experience of crafting 22 videos will ​help ​challenge you​.​ ​You will learn how to push the boundaries​ of the still frame​ while moving towards an enhanced way of telling your personal stories.

Chien-Chi Chang

About your reviewer

Chien-Chi Chang’s photography and films explore the abstract concepts of alienation and connection. His investigation of the ties that bind one person to another draws on his own deeply divided immigrant experience, as he explores the contrasting themes of hope and darkness, restriction and freedom. Chang’s long term interest in the manifestation of restriction and freedom was explored in his project on North Korean defectors. From 2007 to 2009 , Chang travelled with North Korean defectors to document their incredibly harrowing journey escaping to China. Between 2008-2012, Chang worked on a project called Jet Lag, which explored the globalised disconnect of the “jet-setting” lifestyle, culminating in a book of the same name, published in 2015. Chang’s work has been shown in galleries and museums around the world and is the recipient of multiple awards including the W. Eugene Smith Grant (1999) and Magazine Photographer of the Year (1998) Chang joined Magnum in 1995 and became a full member in 2001.

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