
The exhibition L’orizzonte degli eventi (Event horizon), from 30 August 2023 to 7 January 2024 at Le Stanze della Fotografia, bears witness to the conflicts of the contemporary world but also to the effects of climate change through the images of one of the most important living Italian photographers Paolo Pellegrin, winner of eleven editions of the World Press Photo Award and a member of the Magnum agency since 2005. Born in Rome in 1964, Pellegrin immediately stood out for the humanity of his gaze, a characteristic that made his works unique and permission to always go beyond the surface.

The more than 300 shots, including an unpublished report on Ukraine, cover the period from 1995 to 2023 and tell the photographer’s field activity: from Gaza to Beirut, but also Rome, Japan, America, the climate change in Namibia, Iceland, and Greenland, and finally the conflict in Ukraine where Pellegrin has visited several times over the past year. These images give us back the fragility and strength of humanity that manifests its most intimate emotions in dialogue with the greatness of Nature, in an attempt to dissect one of the crucial themes of the contemporary world: the relationship between man and his natural environment.

The exhibition is curated by Annalisa D’Angelo and Denis Curti, in collaboration with Magnum Photos.

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