
Are you about to embark on a personal photographic project and would like to review your ideas and approach with an expert? Do you have a long term project that you need help editing and sequencing? Are you a mid-career photographer struggling to figure out your photographic vision or where you are going next with your career?

This online portfolio review will help photographers identify their next step — from finding your photographic voice, to the process of discovering and making a long-term project that you’re passionate about, to practical advice on getting your work seen by the right people.

Each Magnum photographer will see 10 photographers only during this two-day event. Places will be allocated based on your application. Applications are free. The deadline for applications is July 8th. Applicants will receive an answer to their application by July 10th, 2020. The price of the online portfolio review is $350 (incl. tax) to be paid on acceptance of the application. The offer includes a “Preparing for a Portfolio Review” presentation and a 60 minutes one-to-one online portfolio review.  We will do our best to accommodate your timezone and schedule.

This 60-minute online portfolio review offers:

  • Guidance on technical, ethical, theoretical and aesthetic issues
  • Ideas Development
  • Editing and Sequencing
  • Workflow
  • Output and presentation
  • Professional Practice
  • Online Networking

My aim will be to try and unlock the potential for the participants' projects: to help push them towards a resolution of how they will use photography to define their relationship to the world. This can be through a documentary project or indeed any instance where photographers feel there is a block preventing them from reaching their full potential.

Martin Parr

About your reviewer

Martin Parr’s unmistakable eye for the quirks of ordinary life has made him a distinctive voice in visual culture for more than 30 years. Known for his use of garish colours and esoteric composition, he has studied cultural peculiarities around the world from Japan to America, Europe, and his home country of Britain. The themes of leisure, consumption and communication have occupied him for much of his career, all of which are explored with a penetrating irony. As photographer, filmmaker and collector, Parr has defined a generation.

Parr was born in Epsom, Surrey, UK. When he was a boy, his budding interest in photography was encouraged by his grandfather George Parr, himself a keen amateur photographer. Parr studied photography at Manchester Polytechnic, from 1970 to 1973. Upon graduating, he worked at Manchester Council for Community Relations for three months and then started working towards his first exhibition, Home Sweet Home, at the Impressions Gallery in York.

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