
The physical landscapes of his native USA—the majestic Mississippi River, the roaring Niagara Falls, the vast open deserts and pristine lands, the small towns and urban outskirts—form the structure and setting of his poetic studies of American life. The subjects of Alec Soth’s works are the American ideals of independence, freedom, spirituality, and individuality, which the photographer expresses in everyday scenes. The essence of the human being always remains a central aspect of his intimate portraits, his trained gaze is directed towards the story behind the visual narrative – towards human emotions, personal destinies, and longings. Soth always follows his aesthetic approach: ‘to me the most beautiful thing is vulnerability’.

The Gathered Leaves exhibition, from May 3rd to July 24th, 2022, offers a comprehensive show of around 90 works, publications, and accompanying designs, providing a deep insight into the work of the Magnum photographer.


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