
For nearly five decades, Magnum photographer Susan Meiselas (US, 1948) has been using her camera to bear witness and to connect with people. Meiselas has traveled the world and focused on a wide range of subjects, from the sex industry to war and human rights violations.

Drawing attention to what is often hidden or ignored by the public, Meiselas continually seeks direct contact and dialogue with the people she portrays. Her approach is collaborative and incorporates her subjects’ perspectives.  While photography remains her primary medium, she has increasingly employed other formats—including books, videos and sound recordings—to elaborate on her photographic work and provide wider context around it. Her work is driven by urgent questions about who photographs serve, not only what they show. Today, Meiselas is considered by many to have paved the way for both photography that is politically engaged, systematically documented, reflected on, and contextualized, and that which closely involves the subjects in the work.

This retrospective takes its name from an installation created by the artist as a critical look at the photographs she took during the popular uprising in Nicaragua in 1978 and 1979. The title, Mediations, reflects Meiselas’ overarching aspirations for photography: “You think it is useful to go out into the world or you don’t. I am someone who does see the value in that. But it is only worth doing if you become a bridge for information and ideas.”



How do you work as a photographer? There’s always this uncomfortable, unequal balance of power. How do you break that down? How can it become a dialogue?

Susan Meiselas

FOMU - Foto Museum
Waalsekaai 47
2000 Antwerpen

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